Well, in between all the bad weather and me falling down holes (just call me 'Alice') we havent managed to swim much this month. Yesterday however, J and I got in our fifth swim for September at Hataitai Beach. It was truly lovely in the water, and high tide to boot. In fact, we hit the water at the exact minute of the heralded highest tide for the day.
As I type this, it is 10.50 a.m. on Sunday morning, NZ time, and the hole in the deck at Hataitai Beach has not been repaired yet. I fell down the hole at noon on Friday, rang up Wellington City Council about an hour later to complain about it. .I will give them till Mon afternoon to repair the hole ... then I will ring my councillor
Oh, for the benefit of my one overseas reader - we cannot sue in New Zealand after an accident. We have something called Accident Compensation. It pays for lost wages, and doctors' bills. Every worker pays into it. Everybody gets the benefit of it. Just think, if I was in the States, I could sue for millions!
Oh, whilst I was on a movie locations tour around Los Angeles I saw the house used in the tv series "American Horror Story". Here's my photo, followed by how the house looks in the series.