Hi there
Today (Monday NZ time), J and I fulfilled our Quest. We got to swim at seven beaches in the Wellington area in seven hours. We actually completed our Quest in 6 hours. There was no hurry, we wanted to admire views, and partake of sandwiches, and warm our tootsies between swims
Believe it or not, the temp today was 28c!!!! Did we pick a day or what? Our main rule was no less than 12 minutes swimming at any beach.
We started out at 10 a.m. at
Freyberg Beach, practically in the city. Freyberg Beach is just a hop and a skip (forget the 'jump) from Oriental Bay. But in the water were - wait for it, can you guess? - jellyfish! Petrified, I trod water in one place. J swam bravely for a bit until she hit a pod (her description) of jellies. I wanted to abort the Quest after my first jellyfish hit but I gritted my teeth and held out for the twelve required minutes.
The waters of
Balaena Bay were deliciously lovely and calm.
Hataitai Beach is, of course, home for us. So 'nuff said. We had our lunch there.
Scorching Bay and
Worser Bay had warm waters. J actually forgot she wasn't wearing her swimming booties and marched into the sea in her going-out shoes. The sand was very hot.
Neither of us had been to
Princess Bay and it was quite enjoyable. We were a bit wary because we didnt know where any submerged rocks might be. Loads of people there.
Island Bay: everyone told us Island Bay waters were freeeeeeezing. We found the sea nice and crisp.
We laughed, giggled, chortled practically the whole day. Lots of thngs didnt go to plan, the main problem being finding parking that was close to the respective beaches. At first I was embarrassed having to walk a long way along the footpath in just my bathing suit and my big thighs, but by the time we hit Island Bay, I didn't give a tinker's darn about how I looked. We would take several pairs of sandals if we did the whole thing again because driving in wet, soggy, sandy sandals is not pleasant.
We took three bathing suits each with us, but stayed in the one costume throughout, driving the car in my bathing suit and sitting on a towel. I went through 7 towels.
Okay, then, here's the challenge: how about if you go for the 7 swims in 7 hours? - Freyberg, Balaena, Hataitai, Scorching, Worser, Princess, and Island Bay. 12 minutes minimum swim. No rush....
Thumbs-up photo when you're done please.
Go for it.
..... photos by J's personal papparazzo will appear later in the week