I've never thought much about coincidences. But something happened to me a couple of years ago that truly spells out Coincidence with a capital C. I may have told the story before -
it was early morning, I was still in bed and in my pyjamas when I suddenly decided to go to Taupo for a few days. Within thirty minutes, I'd booked my stay, quickly thrown a cluster of clothes into a small bag, and taken off. Yes! - I still possessed the super power of being able to pack perfectly in only a few minutes.
On reaching Taupo, I happened to glance down at my shoes, my trainers. Oops, I was in one light blue shoe, and one white one! And they were the only shoes I'd brought with me. I was devastated, ashamed, embarrassed.
I'd have to buy some new shoes?
But then, wait - !
A street collector shook a collection box at me. What was the charity? And what was its theme?
It was Wear Odd Shoes Day!!!!??
No? Yes! I did a soft shoe shuffle in front of the collector, showing off my trainers. I dumped a huge handful of change into the collection box.
I was ecstatic ...