Friday, March 7, 2025

Those Gidget Movies

 Hi there

When I was a young teen I saw the movie "Gidget".  It starred Sandra Dee in the title role.  She fell in love with surfer Moondoggie.  I fell in love with Moondoggie too.  He was played by James Darren.  Oh, didn't my heart beat happily over the guy?

above: Sandra Dee and James Darren in "Gidget"        Stock photo

I so wanted to be Gidget.  Not just because she was cute, pretty, and tiny, but mainly because she was lucky enough to be loved by Moondoggie.

About thirty years later when I was a typist-in-charge in the government, there was a typist in the pool named Gidget.  I wondered why her parents had decided to call her that name?  I've now met several other Gidgets and I'm still wondering.

In the movie, 'Gidget' was a made-up name for our tiny heroine.  It was short for Girl- Midget. ... G-midget...  Gidget.    I would never call a child by that name.  Maybe the parents of these Gidgets never realised what a millstone it might be around the necks of their daughters?   Especially if they grew to be tall.

About ten years ago I met James Darren when I was in Las Vegas.  He'd stuck to his singing skills (surely original fans have never forgotten "Goodbye Cruel World"") and, now, had turned into a bit of a Vegas crooner.  Because of his crooner skills, he'd had a big role in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" as a lounge singer hologram.  I sighed all over again when he started warbling.  James Darren certainly stood up to my expectations!
James Darren passed away recently.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Seniors in tv advertisements

 Hi there

I have a senior friend who, a few years back, was the main 'star' in an NZ tv commercial for a retirement village.  She didn't live in the village.  She's an actor.

My friend - let's call her 'Lola - arrived all spiffed up, ready for her day's work.

"Oh, no," the boss of the advert shoot tut-tutted.  "Your jacket won't do.  It's the wrong colour."

"Um..."  Lola asked,  "What colour should I be in?"



With a flourish the boss brought out a pink hoodie.  "Here you are.  Seniors love to wear pink.  Oh, and you can keep it."

Lola was extremely happy to have a new (free) hoodie.  And when the advertisement finally came out, she looked wonderful.  She's a pretty good actor.

But I can't stop thinking about this pink thing.  I don't know any seniors who wear pink. I have seen a few cruise ship passengers arriving in the capital wearing pink.  American cruise ship passengers especially love to wear pastels, pale colours.   It's how we spot these women travellers walking down Lambton Quay: crisply pressed white trousers, linen blouses, designer hoodies, often pink.  With a Coach bag under an arm.

Maybe Lola will start a trend amongst kiwi oldies, making pink The New Thing.  She could be a trend-starter...

PS: I spotted a new retirement village advert on tv the other day.  The woman in it is wearing pink......