Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's coming up to Oscar time

The powers-that-be will be announcing the Oscar nominations this month. I've had a look at the 'maybe' list. All nice, righteous films and folk. I see Judi Dench may get a nod again. I well remember when she won last time for Best Supporting Actor in a Female Role and she was absolutely astounded because, as she said, she was only on screen for a few minutes and only said, like, one line.

Of course, in my mind, Julie Walters, should get this current BSAinaFR. She was positively brilliant in the last Harry Potter Movie (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II) - but marvellous as Julie is spitting out the famous 'Bitch" line that everyone is waiting for, she can't do it better than Stephen Fry on the audio book! He was totally magnificent.

I wonder if Fry's audio books of Harry Potter were required listening by the entire Potter film cast because it's so weird that many of the film cast share the same speech intonations and rhythms that Fry does in his readings (released before the movies). Especially noted is the bit where Dumbledore and Harry are on the railway platform in 'Deathly Hallows'. Dumbledore's speech patterns are exactly the same as Fry reading the same words.

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