Monday, January 31, 2022

Holidays and .. more plumbers

 Hi there

above:  the morning after I'd swam at the above beach, the above notice was on the sand.  The undertow had been pretty bad.
above:  Pilot Bay where I swam mostly.

above: a beautiful mural on a wall in the township of Mt Maunganui

I've returned from 9 nights at Mount Maunganui.  Because of the beginning of Omicron here in NZ, I was cautious about going to cafes or the mall, so I mainly walked the beaches and went for swims.  Until the last day, when I did go into four shops and a cafe.  I so craved shopping...

On my first day at The Mount - and before noon - I had walked 40 minutes along one beach, had a swim, and walked another 40 minutes around The Mount.  I thought I'd packed water, a jacket, sunblock and a sunhat but I hadn't.  Because it had taken forever to find a parking space, and it was a cloudy day (even though the temp was 28c) I decided to walk around The Mount as is where is.  

And I came down with dehydration!  That night and the following day wasn't very good.  My whole body was floppy and it felt like jelly.  There was no way I could walk to the other side of the room, let alone reach my car and travel home to Wellington.  I had a temp, couldnt pee, and a headache.  It all lasted till the following day, after I'd drank what seemed like gallons and gallons of water.  

Every day during the holiday I kept telling myself, because of creeping Omicron around the country I would leave The Mount the following day.  Every day I decided to hold out one more day.

And ... when I got home, there was a flood in my driveway.  Ooooh, nooooo....

And the plumber is here right now, as I type this.  It's going to cost $1000 to repair.  Have I already cried out "Ooooh, noooo"?  Well, I'm repeating it now.  100 times.

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