Saturday, January 25, 2025

Underwear, Lingerie

 Hi there

When I was a kid, about ten years old, my mother told me that only Ladies Of The Evening wore black underwear (and also bracelets around their ankles!  Oh, and tattoos). 

All underwear that mattered was white in those days.  When we went into McKenzies store in Palmerston North, Mum rushed me past the underwear counter, lest I lay eyes upon the black unmentionables.

And then - horror!  Red underwear came into shops, and Mum was beside herself.  What was the world coming to: red and black!  I do remember thinking that, heavens, prostitutes had really interesting taste. Even at a young age, white knickers to me were soooo boring.

If she suddenly came to 2025, via a time machine, my Mum would be stunned by all the patterns and colours of ladies' underwear.

Do you, my four readers, remember when your mothers used to tell you to always wear good, clean, matching underwear in case you got run over by a bus?  Goodness, just imagine the mean chatter at the hospital if it was discovered that your bra, petticoat, knickers and roll-ons were ripped, or grubby, and - tut-tut - not even saintly white.

I'm a little bit fuzzy over the memory but didn't perhaps Monty Python or The Goodies do a skit where a guy was about to be run down by a bus when he suddenly realised he wasn't wearing good underwear?  He stopped the bus, raced home, changed his underwear, then laid down in the road in front of the bus, and signalled the driver to go ahead and run him over?

above: a Bendon advert.  Tut-tut, red underwear.

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