Saturday, March 5, 2022


Hi there

I'm tired of being a responsible adult, and having to do grown-up things like paying Rates, and the electricity, insurance, and phone bills. 

 I would love to have a responsible adult do everything for me, from cleaning my oven to paying all those darn bills.  Oh, wait, a fairy godmother would be great -  when I'm feeling all sorry for myself, she could pat me on my head and murmur "there, there."  And I've always wanted to ride in a pumpkin....

How great it would be to play hopscotch again, and skip rope, with no responsibilities.  Or lick ice-creams as I'm sitting on the road curb contemplating nothing worse than how crabby Mrs Brown - my standard 4 teacher -  is when she catches me rabbiting away instead of learning how to spell r-e-f-r-i-g-e-r-a-t-o-r.

As a child I looked forward to growing up.  I figured I was all but full-grown when, on tip-toe, I could just about reach the hanging strap in the Island Bay tram-car.  At age fourteen my friends and I stood back to let adults board buses first.  At age fifteen, the gentlemen stood back for us to get on the bus because we were in stockings, bras, and Max Factor make-up.   Growing up was such a heady experience. 

Now?  Sometimes I want to curl up into a little ball, hands over ears and eyes and not be responsible for anything.  I don't want to have to worry about wars.  Or  Covid.  Or bills.  Or  the house burning  down, or perhaps being robbed.  Or worry about missing the bus and oh-my-goodness-what-do-I-wear-to-lunch-with-my-friends. 

I want to be Tom Hanks in "Big", but in reverse.  There are times when I am so over being a grown-up.....

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