Friday, July 26, 2024

Out for a Walk

 Hi there

I walk a lot.  In my mind, I'm speed-walking, but the weirdest thing happens:  people amble past me....

Last week I walked from Hatatai central, where the shops are.   I walked straight up the hill and over to Oriental Bay, turning left at the top where the school is.   I love this walk, the view from the top of the hill is great.   I love looking at the view over the inner harbour and the Miramar Peninsula.  When I come to a big fork in the road, I go left for a couple of minutes till I get to the zig-zag downhill walk getting me to Grass Street, Oriental Bay, roughly opposite the Rotunda.  From Hatatai to Oriental Bay takes about 45 minutes.

Below.  View from the top of the Hataitai hill -

below.  The fountain at Oriental Bay

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