Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Thank you, driver"

 Hi there

I've often wondered if people in other countries do what we do, when they get off a bus.

Maybe it's just Wellington?   

As I exit a bus - be it via the back or front door -  I call out, "Thank you" to the driver.  Some people are extra polite and they shout "Thank you, driver".  There are bus riders who mumble it so low that the driver wouldn't be able to hear it, and others who bellow the words.

It's an expected thing.

Also an expected thing is the little wave one gives to the driver of the vehicle that stops to let you pass on a pedestrian crossing.  I often think this a bit weird as cars are by law expected to stop anyway for me when I'm on a crossing.

The little wave is also a thing when a driver approaches roadworks.  Oh, look, here's a guy holding up a 'Stop' sign.  He turns over the sign to read 'Go', and as I drive past him at a crawl, I flick up my hand in recognition.   He flicks his hand back....

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