Saturday, May 15, 2021

Up With the Birds

 Hi there

We've all heard the phrases 'Up with the Birds" or "Up at Sparrow Fart".  It mean that we get up extra-early.  Sooo early.

Lately, I've wondered about this.  I feed the birds at my house.  And there's not a sign of them before 10 am.  Why does this new generation of birds sleep in?  Teenage birds who refuse to move from the nest until Mum's brought them their morning worms?  Something to do with daylight saving hours - do birds realise the times are changed?

Maybe it's only country birds who wake up early, they're out there in the plough ruts searching for grubs and worms before the sun is up, whereas their city cousins can't be bothered to even raise a wing until the local cat wakes up (2 pm?). 

It's a mystery... 

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