Saturday, June 8, 2024

Plane Turbulence

 Hi there

There has been a lot of talk lately about the results of  air turbulence on board planes.

Years ago in the mid-1960s I was on a plane and we went through turbulence.  There was a woman in a seat in front of me and when the plane suddenly dropped, she happened to be holding a full glass of wine.  The plane dropped, everything inside that plane dropped, but, goodness, the contents of that glass stayed a-hover in the air, in perfect glass shape, for a couple of seconds, whilst the glass itself dropped down with the woman who was now holding the stem of an empty wine glass.   Then - splat! - the wine splashed down onto her.

Talk about 'defying gravity' (as throatily sung by that naughty witch in the stage musical "Wicked"). 

It was a memory I'll never forget.

above:  you all know that I'm a magnificent artist, yeah?

above: a computer friend put the above together for me.  In truth, it was white wine, and the wine didn't look as ragged as in the picture.  It was a perfect wine glass shape. It would have been more than a couple of feet (imperial measurement) above the glass.

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