Sunday, June 2, 2024

Taking a shower

 Hi there

I was reading a book the other day ("Demon on the Down-Low" by E J Russell) and I came upon the following paragraph -

He leaped out of bed and raced in and out of the shower so fast he actually dodged the water and failed to get wet, so he had to go back in and force himself to stand still, vibrating in place with the urge to hurry.

And I thought about that ...  Rushing in and out of the shower because we have far more important things to do is now sort of a normal thing?  A shower is an inconvenience, a hold-up, a thing to get over and done with as fast as possible.  No luxuriating in a shower.

I remember when I used to have leisurely baths.  I would pour a good quarter of a jar of Helena Rubenstein bubble bath into the water and luxuriate in that tub for at least forty minutes.  Nowadays, I  have time-managed my shower down to around the five minute mark.  I'm proud of my achievement. 

Still ... a part of me craves for a life that isn't one big hurry.  I mean, I am retired after all.  My life should not be in fast mode.  

I think I'll give that bubble bath another go.  Hey, where can I buy a rubber ducky....?

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