Saturday, March 23, 2013

my spur-of-the-moment trip to Lake Taupo

Hi there
As I type this, it's Sun morning, New Zealand time.  On Thurs morn, 8 a.m, NZ time, I suddenly decided I'd like to go to Taupo for a couple of nights.  I threw clothes every-which-way into my regretted-buying-it Calvin Klein carry-on bag that I got in Vegas last year (see picture of the bag in last year's blog, plus write-up about it).

I was out of house by 9 a.m, a bit later than I would have wished but, hey, I had to book my holiday house and leave messages in my neighbours' letter-boxes to let them know what was happening in case they figured I'd gone and died in my bed and they broke down the front door.  Actually, the rule is that if my blinds are still closed by mid-day, they have permission to truly break down the door.

I checked, at least three times, that I had my wallet and phone and was in Taupo five hours later..  A record for me, it's usually five and three-quarters of an hour.

Had a nice relaxing time, though it broke my heart I couldn't walk the track from Spa Park in Spa Road to Huka Falls.  It's only about an hour each way and I usually love walking it, but with my sore feet....... Darn!  

Within a couple of minutes into the Huka Walk, still in Spa Park and alongside the river, a person is at a lovely hot water spring that's a real enjoyment.  Completely in it's natural state, and totally free to use.  Most folk don't bother about the rest of the walk, just arrive in their bathing suits and flop down to sit on a rock in the shallow water.

I didn't want to be bothered to clean the shower at my holiday home.  So I used the showers each morning, after my 7 a.m. swims at the thermal swimming pool just around the corner from where I was staying.  I'd forgotten to take along hair shampoo on my trip so I plastered my hair with the soap from the container above the basins, before scooting into the shower.

The water in Lake Taupo was ever-so low because of the North Island being officially declared a drought.

My holiday home was just around the corner from the Taupo Bungy.  As I left Wellington, I programmed the Taupo Bungy location into my new car GPS system and found the area with only one hiccup where I was sure I was being taken off to slavers but, no, it turned out the GPS was right after all.

I wasn't present for any bungy jumps but I did see a couple of kids taking a double 'swing'.  They sit in a sort of seat that plummeted them down to the river, then it slowly swungsthem backwards and forwards for a time before they were reeled back up again to the bungy platform.  It looked great.

Here's a pic

There is a fantastic river and greenery view from Taupo Bungy and anyone can watch the activities.

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