Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Some conversations are more weird than others.

A friend said to me the other day, "Odd things always seem to happen to you."  And I had to think hard about this because she was right.  Is it that I can read odd things in happenings that other people can't?  Am I more alert to what's going on around me?    Who knows?

 In my rush to catch the ferry at Seatoun Wharf the other day, a guy stopped me as I was storming across Worser Bay beach.

"Excuse me, do you know where the troll is?  It's supposed to be here somewhere."

"Um, no, " I said.  "The last troll I saw was at Wellington Airport."'

"Oh, well, thanks ...." 

We both went our individual ways.

What a conversation!   It could only happen on the Miramar Peninsula, home of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop.  Any stranger listening in would have thought we were completely mad.

PS:  7th swim for September.........Done!


  1. Great post, so good Ike felt he had to keep everyone informed about this latest development. I tried to tell him it was likely just a Weta troll - but he said - "those Weta Trolls are the ones you have to watch the closest."


    1. He's along at 227 Marine Parade.

      Made by Kim Beaton, who is currently making a big ol' "Grandpa Dragon" around at Shelly Bay, I believe.
